Monday, May 16, 2011

Trends in Canadian Suspicious Transaction Reporting

Trends in Canadian Suspicious Transaction Reporting represents an ambitious undertaking—the first time FINTRAC has made an in-depth analysis of 300,000 suspicious transaction reports (STRs) received over the last ten years from across the country.  STRs provide valuable information allowing FINTRAC to assist partners in their investigations of money laundering (ML), terrorist financing (TF), and other threats to the security of Canada. They also feed into strategic intelligence which informs various stakeholders about current and emerging ML/TF trends and patterns, as well as support high-level policy decisions. Since new compliance obligations came into force in 2008, reporting entities are required to expend more effort in identifying their highest ML and TF risks. The purpose of FINTRAC Typologies and Trends Reports is to provide strategic financial intelligence feedback to help reporting entities conform to these new obligations.